What are these Price Action Indicators?
Price action indicators are helpful visual aids for the WaveFX concepts that you have already learned about. These visual aids are for support, resistance, supply, demand, swing highs, swing lows, trading sessions, and news events. The latter is not exactly a price action indicator, but some news events are worth being aware of.
Support/Resistance & Supply/Demand Indicators
Price action indicators are helpful visual aids for the WaveFX concepts that you have already learned about. These visual aids are for support, resistance, supply, demand, swing highs, swing lows, trading sessions, and news events. The latter is not exactly a price action indicator, but some news events are worth being aware of.
Swing Detection Indicator
Price action indicators are helpful visual aids for the WaveFX concepts that you have already learned about. These visual aids are for support, resistance, supply, demand, swing highs, swing lows, trading sessions, and news events. The latter is not exactly a price action indicator, but some news events are worth being aware of.
Trading Sessions and ADR Indicators
Price action indicators are helpful visual aids for the WaveFX concepts that you have already learned about. These visual aids are for support, resistance, supply, demand, swing highs, swing lows, trading sessions, and news events. The latter is not exactly a price action indicator, but some news events are worth being aware of.